Awards and Happenings
Hughes Lab Twitter Account
All current and future lab news is now being shared via Twitter. Please visit us here and follow us to hear the latest.
Zach Wilson Joins the Lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow
Zach joins the lab after completing his PhD with Greg Odorizzi at UC Boulder. Welcome Zach!
NIA R01 is Funded
The lab is awarded an R01 from the National Institute on Aging for our work on mitochondrial lysosome communication and its role in aging!
Christina Heads to Dental School
August 2018: Christina Knutson leaves for dental school at the University of Utah. Good luck Christina!
Adam Speaks at the Multifaceted Mitochondria Cell Symposium
Jenna and Alyssa also present posters of their work at the meeting.
Casey Awarded Training Grant
Casey Hughes is awarded a Hematology T32 training grant. Congrats Casey!
TK awarded Training Grant
TK Coody is awarded a Metabolism T32 training grant. Way to go TK!
Tianyao and Mitch Join the Lab
Graduate students Tianyao Xiao and Mitch Wopat join the lab. Welcome!
Max Receives AHA Award
Max Schuler is awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship. Great job Max!
Max Awarded Travel Scholarship
Max Schuler receives a travel scholarship for the Mitochondrial Biology Keystone Meeting in Japan.
Adam Speaks at the Mitochondrial Biology Keystone Sympoisum in Japan
Casey and Max also present posters of their work at the meeting.
Max Receives Graduate Award
Max Schuler is awarded a University of Utah Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats Max!
Viplendra Receives ASBMB Travel Award
Viplendra gets the opportunity to present his work at the 2018 ASBMB meeting.